Serge Van Themsche Author

Serge Van Themsche is a system consultant for PM&BD Consulting, who works in the automation, energy, and transportation markets. In the last twenty-five years, he held various senior executive positions and gathered an extensive international experience of dealing with highly engineered systems. He supports startups by applying his knowledge of transport, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and driverless technologies. For instance, he consults to the French company called SUPRAWAYS, which will redefine tomorrow’s urban transportation.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and driverless technologies made accessible to everyone

Serge Van Themsche is passionate about educating people on technological issues. When he first started writing his first book on driverless technologies in 2013, he realized that no one believed him when he was saying that within fifteen years, cars would be autonomous. Then the Google car made the headline, and suddenly everyone became a believer, without really understanding the technical issues.

That’s when he decided to educate people on how AI made the cars’ mind work. In 2015 he met even more skepticism, with many colleagues or friends arguing with him that machines would always stay dumb. To try to convince them, he went on a journey that made him read several hundred neuroscience studies and philosophical essays.

His new book “What’s on their mind? Biological and Artificial Intelligence” is the result of this quest. In it, he explains to anyone, with or without a scientific or philosophical background, the similarities and differences between brains and computers. Everyone can thus grasp the main issues we all face with artificial intelligence (AI).

Real industrial implementation of driverless and artificial intelligence technologies

Serge Van Themsche loves sharing his knowledge acquired during real project implementation in several markets. For example, coming from delivering projects involving control centers, security system of systems, railway signaling, industrial control, IOT monitoring, and driverless vehicle technologies. It explains why a few years ago he participated in two collaborative works called “CCTV: a tool to support Public Transport Security” and “Practical Aspects of Industrial Control Technology.” The French and English 1995 edition on automation is still to date one of the most read books on the subject. It is also one of the reasons why he wrote several articles on artificial intelligence for online publications and white papers on transportation.

Besides writing and consulting, Serge enjoys painting, tennis and excellent wines.

All Publications


1. Van Themsche S. What’s On Their Mind? Biological And Artifical Intelligence. Amazon; 2018.

2. Van Themsche S. The Advent Of Unmanned Electric Vehicles The Choices Between E-Mobility And Immobility. Springer International Publishing; 2016.


1. Van Themsche S. What’s on their mind?nTEG. 2017. Available at: Accessed May 23, 2018.

2. Van Themsche S. How to make unmanned cars much more intelligent?nTEG. 2017. Available at: Accessed May 23, 2018.

3. Van Themsche S. Harness the power of the IoT revolution with AI. nTEG. 2017. Available at: Accessed May 23, 2018.

4. Van Themsche S. The AI paradigm: How can we make unmanned cars much more intelligent?IoT Tech News. 2017. Available at: Accessed May 23, 2018.

5. Van Themsche S. Analysing Uber’s market moves – and how it intends to disrupt transport marketsConnected Car Tech. 2016. Available at: Accessed May 23, 2018.

6. Van Themsche S. Autonomous or integrated? How the connected car industry can learn from the railwaysConnected Car Tech. 2015. Available at: Accessed May 23, 2018.

7. Van Themsche S. Will electric driverless cars kill bus and light train operations?Witpresscom. 2017. Available at: Accessed May 23, 2018.